I just returned from New York, where I experienced all that is MoMA for the first time. And what an experience it was. I knew what I should expect to see, and I knew what i was looking forward to seeing: Rosenquiest, Jasper Johns, Warhol, Lichtenstein... some of whom I have seen the work of in other institutions. I wasn't however, expecting to be so completely blown away by
f-111 because I have spent so much time studying this work and because a certain painter told be how dis appointing Rosenquiest is in real life. I disagree entirely. MoMAs instillation is absolutely brilliant as well. The piece in hung so it completely surrounds you on all four walls of a small room. The experience was similar to that of walking into a Richard Serra piece. (I never before considered comparing those two artists, before now.) My mind was so completely blown, I returned to it four times in this one visit and can't wait to see it again. I was also delighted to see his studies, to compare to how they transform. Maybe because i am so familiar with
f-111, they where almost more interesting.

Other surprises where how much i enjoyed Monet, his colors are so luscious i could put them in my mouth. This is an artist that i know and respect, but wanted to eat a painting is a different level of appreciation that i did not have before today.
It is so important to see these this work in real life. I always love to get up close to a Lichtenstein and see the imperfections and appearance of the artists hand that is missed in reproductions.
I also learned of the artist, Stuart Davis, who predated Pop Art by some 30 years but dealt with the exact same imagery. I look forward to looking further into him.
Well... this is the piece i saw, and after googeling him, it seems his other work is not much like this one.
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